Tips on how this lockdown holiday can be used as a great opportunity to market your services your customers through their mobiles- Part 3

11. Create a daily special promotion series.
Got an awesome holiday promotion in mind? That’s great, but so do all your competitors. One way to stand out is to design a series of promotions with something for everyone. Each day of the series, you can offer a flash sale and notify customers with a message of the items for sale and the amount of time they have to purchase. Rich app notifications or mobile websites can inform customers of the next item coming up and the last item they missed.
12. Communicate deadlines via mobile channels.
Use SMS and mobile push notifications to make customers aware of shipping deadlines around holidays. For example, if the last day you can guarantee Dec. 24 delivery is Dec. 21 at 11 a.m., make sure your customers know! Since these mediums are generally more interruptive than email, you may want to limit these notifications to one or two key notices, and then supplement within your email messaging stream and on your website.
13. Make the Black Friday shopping experience easier.
Ever think how great it would be to get all your Black Friday shopping done from the comfort of your own couch? Many of your customers are probably thinking the same thing. Offering an easy way to take advantage of your Black Friday offers through mobile app or website purchases reminds customers of why the channel is valuable and keeps them engaged. You’re also lightening the load for a potentially stressful weekend of shopping.
For those customers who brave the masses and venture out to your physical store locations, consider sending personalized push notifications, triggered by an iBeacon or geofence when they enter the store, that provide in-store shopping guidance based on the individual’s past purchases or items in that person’s online shopping cart.
14. Provide an “email my cart” option for busy shoppers.
Mobile shoppers are frequently pressed for time and prone to distraction. So, give them the option to have their shopping carts emailed to them so they can purchase when the time is right. Since you’re providing customers with a service that they requested, you’ll likely see even stronger engagement than you would through traditional cart abandonment efforts.
15. Deliver last-minute holiday gift ideas.
Just about everyone has been there – the day before the holiday party or family celebration, you remember that you forgot that coworker that helped you on that project, or that distant uncle. Your customers are there too! With smartphones typically within arm’s length of most consumers, try using mobile channels to send a timely app push notification or SMS reminding customers that they can send last-minute gifts like “day of” gift cards. Enable shoppers to complete the mobile gift-giving experience through your app or mobile website.